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1 Login Screen, Desktop and Terminal

Examples are given with Ubuntu Linux. Other Linux distributions should be similar.

1.1 Login Screen

Start the Linux computer and it will proceed to the login screen.

Login Screen Linux

Select the user name and enter the password.

Login Screen Linux

1.2 Desktop

The Linux desktop will display.

Desktop Linux Screen

Picture of Bella

1.3 Terminal

Open a Linux terminal. On the upper left hand side of the screen select Activities.

Activies on upper left hand of Linux Desktop

An input box saying “Type To Search...” box will appear.

Type To Search box

Inside the “Type To Search...” input box type the word “terminal”.

Terminal typed into Type to Search box

The Linux terminal icon will appear. Select the terminal icon by clicking on it with the left mouse button. The terminal is also known as the Linux shell or the command line.

Image of the Linux Terminal

Picture of Bella

Congratulations! You have logged into Linux and opened a terminal on the desktop! The Linux Terminal is a command language interpreter that executes commands read from your input. In the next chapter we will execute some commands.

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