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7 Language analysis

7.1 Spell checking

To spell check content type on the command line

make spelling

The GNU aspell interactive spell checker will be run on your .texi content. If apsell flags words such as “HTML”, “EPUB”, “DVI” as spelled wrong, use the “a) Add” feature so these words are not flagged on the next run.

For more information on aspell type man aspell on the command line.

7.2 Diction analysis

To diction analyze content type on the command line

make diction

The GNU diction analyzer will be run on your text output. GNU diction prints wordy and commonly misused phrases in sentences.

For more information on diction type man diction on the command line.

7.3 Style analysis

To style analyze content type on the command line

make style

The GNU style analyzer will be run on your text output. Your content will be analyzed for readability grades, sentence info, word usage and sentence beginnings.

For more information on style type man style on the command line.

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