Bella Teaches the Linux Command Line. Copyright © 2020.
PDF version of Bella Teaches the Linux Command LineExamples are given with Ubuntu Linux. Other Linux distributions should be similar.
Start the Linux computer and it will proceed to the login screen.
Select the user name and enter the password.
The Linux desktop will display.
Open a Linux terminal. On the upper left hand side of the screen select Activities.
An input box saying “Type To Search...” box will appear.
Inside the “Type To Search...” input box type the word “terminal”.
The Linux terminal icon will appear. Select the terminal icon by clicking on it with the left mouse button. The terminal is also known as the Linux shell or the command line.
Congratulations! You have logged into Linux and opened a terminal on the desktop! The Linux Terminal is a command language interpreter that executes commands read from your input. In the next chapter we will execute some commands.
The command whoami
prints your userid. At the Linux terminal type the command: whoami
Linux responds that “bella” is the userid. Your system should respond with your userid.
The command pwd
is used to print the name of current working directory.
Bella’s current working directory is /home/bella. Therefore the bella directory is
inside the home directory. The first slash character / in the /home/bella directory name is known as the root directory.
The home directory is subdirectory of root. The bella directory is a subdirectory of home. All users of Linux have a directory in /home.
Linux has a hierarchical file system. The hierarchy starts with the root directory /. The structure of the file system looks like a tree. Inside the root directory / you will find files and subdirectories. The subdirectories can continue to have their own files or subdirectories. This structure can continue for many levels.
The command ls
lists directory contents. Directories can also be called folders. At the Linux terminal type the command: ls
We see Bella has some directories. Your system should display something similar.
We can look inside an individual directory by giving command ls
a specific
directory name to look in. Type the command: ls Music
Looks like Bella has no music since the Music directory is empty. When we type a command such as ls Music
we say that Music is an argument to the command ls
When we type the command ls
alone we can say ls
has no arguments.
We can check if Bella has any documents. Type the command: ls Documents
The Document directory is empty. Bella has no documents.
The command ls
has the ability to match filenames using a wildcard. Try typing the command: ls D*
The asterik * or star character tells the command ls
to match any string after the letter D. The contents of all directories begining with the letter D will be displayed.
The directories Desktop, Documents and Downloads are all empty.
Use the command ls
to explore the Linux filesystem. Type the command: ls /
This lists the contents of the / which is known as root.
Type the command: ls /home
Bella’s home directory shows another user. Your system may display other users.
The command ls
can also take options (also called switches). The listing of the contents of all subdirectories can be done with the command: ls -R
The -R
part of command tells ls
to recursively list all subdirectories. Try typing the command: ls -R
The command cd
changes your current working directory.
When the command cd
is typed alone (with no arguments) the current working directory is changed to your home directory.
At the Linux terminal type the command: cd Music
Now the current working directory has changed to the Music directory.
The command ls
will display the contents of the Music directory.
The Music is empty.
The command pwd
will display the full directory path.
To pop up from the Music directory type the command: cd ..
Now the current working directory is one level above. To confirm this type the command: ls
Typing the command pwd
will confirm that the current working directory is back to the user’s home directory.
and rmdir
When using the command ls
we can see that Bella has the following folders in
her home directory.
To create a directory named Test type the command: mkdir Test
Try typing the command: ls
to confirm this directory was created.
You should see the directory Test listed with the other directories.
To remove the directory named Test type the command: rmdir Test
Type the command ls
to confirm that the directory Test has been removed.
and cat
The command echo
is used to write text to the screen. The command echo
can also write text to a file. At the Linux terminal type the command: echo
The command echo
with no arguments will just display a blank line.
Now try typing the command: echo Hello
The text Hello will be displayed to the terminal. The command echo
can also push text to a file.
Try the command: echo "This is a test" > file.txt
The greater-than sign > tells the command echo
to redirect the output to the file. The output will not go to the display.
The command echo
has placed the text “This is a test” inside the file.txt.
We can confirm the file exists with the command ls
Notice the new file file.txt. The contents of the file file.txt can be displayed with the command: cat file.txt
. The command cat
can concatenate files and print files on the display. The contents of the file is the text “This is a test”.
and rm
The command cp
copies files and directories. The command rm
removes files or directories.
Create a file with the command: echo "This is another test file" > TestFile.txt
Confirm the file exists with the command ls
and confirm the file contents with the command cat
Using the command rm
delete the file with: rm TestFile.txt
Now confirm the file was deleted with the command ls
Create another file NewTestFile.txt with the command echo
Type the command: echo "Test file to be copied" > NewTestFile.txt
Confirm the file exists with the command ls
. Confirm the contents with the command cat
Copy the file NewTestFile.txt to the file 1.txt with the command: cp NewTestFile.txt 1.txt
Copy the file NewTestFile.txt to the file 2.txt with the command: cp NewTestFile.txt 2.txt
Copy the file NewTestFile.txt to the file 3.txt with the command: cp NewTestFile.txt 3.txt
Confirm the existance of the new files 1.txt, 2.txt and 3.txt with the command: ls
Concatenate the files 1.txt, 2.txt and 3.txt to the screen display with the command: cat 1.txt 2.txt 3.txt
All three files are displayed on the screen back to back. All three files have the same contents. Remove one of the files with the command: rm 1.txt
Using what is known as a wildcard have command ls
check for files only ending with .txt file extension. Try the command: ls *.txt
Only files with the .txt file extension have been displayed. The file 1.txt has been removed. Remove the files 2.txt and 3.txt with
the command command: rm 2.txt 3.txt
Confirm the removal of 2.txt and 3.txt by wildcard listing .txt file extension with command: ls *.txt
The command gedit
is a graphical text editor. gedit
can be used to create or edit files. gedit
can be started from the command line. Type the command: gedit myfile.txt
to create and edit the file myfile.txt
The gedit
graphical text editor will display. Feel free to enter any text you want.
In this example I have entered the text “This is a test of the gedit graphical editor” and pressed newline. Press the “Save” button to save the file myfile.txt
Type the command: ls
to see that there is a new file named myfile.txt.
Also try the command: ls *.txt
to list all files ending with .txt. Both commands will show that the new file myfile.txt exists.
Feel free to use the command gedit myfile.txt
to add more text or change the file myfile.txt.
and less
The command date
will print the system date and time.
The command cal
will display a calendar. With no arguments to the command, the current month is displayed. Todays date will be highlighted.
The command cal
can display all months for a year. The year to display can be given as an argument to the command cal
Try typing the command: cal 2020
The command cal
can display calendars in the past. Try typing the command cal
and giving the your birthday year as the first argument.
If your birthday year was 2009 you would type: cal 2009
To clear the terminal screen type the command: clear
The command man
provides a reference manual to commands. All commands such as whoami
, pwd
, ls
, cd
, rmdir
, echo
, rm
, rm
, more
, less
, date
, cal
and clear
have reference manuals.
The command reference manuals give information on command usage and options. Command switches (options) and arguments are described.
Try command man ls
Explore more man
pages. The command man
even has a reference manual page. Try the command: man man
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